The first time I had anal sex with my wife was a complete accident. We’d had a lovely night out on the town and consumed a bit too much alcohol. We got back home and things heated up quickly. We began making love and it quickly turned into a passionate session that had a slick with sweat. I was behind her thrusting with all my might when I slipped and my cock went straight into her tight asshole. She screamed at first and jerked back, but allowed me to do it again at a much slower and gentler pace. It was a glorious feeling for both of us and we were hooked.
From that moment, I began searching for anal sex when I was watching porn. I found out I could use this 51% off discount to All Anal and signed up right away. This is a site that features the hottest porn stars getting their tight assholes stretched to the max. All the content is delivered in spectacular 4K quality and leaves nothing to the imagination.